

Now here’s a smart way of sharing files between your mobile device and a PC/Mac! DropBox (www.dropbox.com) works with smartphones running iPhone, iPad, Blackberry & Android OSs. The screenshot here is DropBox running on my iPhone 4, but the following features are generic across all OS platforms.
Synchronise Files automatically between your mobile smartphone and your PC/Mac 🙂
Storage free of 2GB and up to 100GB for a small price. DropBox servers are secure 🙂
File Management couldn’t be easier, create folders to organise files, work collaboratively.
For a more detailed description of what DropBox can be used for, visit https://www.dropbox.com/features.
Photo & Video Management is great, enabling you to take a photograph or video on your smartphone and access it within seconds on a PC/Mac. This has some very exciting possibilities what a mobile worker can deliver photographs/videos etc back to their office very quickly, effectively anywhere in the world!

Another good source of iPhone/iPad info…


I came across this site recently and have found it to be a useful source of information with PodCasts and Blogs about iPhones and the iPad.

iOS 4.2 is out!


Finally, the promised and MUCH anticipated iOS 4.2 software/firmware upgrade for Apple iPhones, iPad & iPod Touches has been released. It was out yesterday and brings the version up to 4.2.1. Be brave and prepared for a process which takes about 30 minutes; it’ll be worth it… so I hope, I’ll blog very soon about what all the fuss over the latest 4.2 upgrade has been about. Oh and iTunes had an upgrade too, now at v.10.1. Watch this blog… 🙂

Another successful data conversion…!


Over the last 17 years, I’ve converted data many times from older Palmtop Computers (Psion 3, 3a, 3c, 3mx, Revo, Series 5/5mx/7) on to new PDAs (Pocket PC, Palm) and now mobile Smartphones (iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Android).
Tonight I did another successful conversion of data, in this case 748 data address contacts from an old Psion Series 3mx into Microsoft Outlook Contacts for sync’ing on to a Blackberry. To say, the user was happy to have moved that mass of valuable contact information from a prehistoric (yet dearly loved old) Psion on to a modern Blackberry smartphone, is an understatement! 🙂
If Palmtopman (c/o Ozzie Hall-Osman) can ever help you with a similar conversion? Call me sometime 07889 374086 🙂

TESTIMONIAL RECEIVED: “Palmtopman keeps users mobile”
Our grateful thanks to Ozzie Hall-Osman for his help and assistance in transferring of contacts data from an ageing Psion to a Blackberry Curve via Microsoft Outlook. The original data was speedily transferred to a pst file which was e-mailed back to us for transfer to Outlook and onward to the Blackberry. Thanks to Ozzie for his helpful talk through of this process which has saved re-entering 759 contact details.
Much appreciated,
Deryck Barker & Lady Caroline Ley

iPad Chat Show


A new website that supports the very popular iPad from Apple is http://ipadchatshow.co.uk. There are already three shows available to download as an MP3 podcast. Also, as other similar sized tablets are released, this site states they’ll be covering them.